


CNN model for Optical Character Recognition using TensorFlow and Keras. - shrey-soni/OCR-using-Convolutional-Neural-Networks.

Optical character recognition Using Deep Learning

A TensorFlow implementation of the CNN+LSTM+CTC model for OCR. ... Instructions on How to run. Get the repository. git clone https://github.com/harshul1610/OCR.

OCR - KidelDeep-Learning-CNN-for-Image

In this notebook we will implement a simple Convolutional Neural Network in T e n s o r F l o w which has a classification accuracy of about 99%, or more.


Model to recognize hiragana, katakana, and kanji characters. Model, training instructions, and data generation code are all included. ocr cnn mnist kanji ...


Optical character recognition using neural network. Implemented with Python and its libraries Numpy and OpenCV. We recommend you to view the presentation file ...


It contains my Major Project for the partial fulfillment for the course of Bachelors in Computer Engineering. - GitHub - bkhyat/OCR-using-CNN: It contains ...


To predict text in captcha images using CNN. Contribute to adibyte95/optical-character-recognition-OCR development by creating an account on GitHub.


Optical Character Recognition with Convolutional Neural Network. Dataset: The Chars74K dataset Model: CNN with Full Connected Layer:


Overview. Machine learning model trained on a Convolutional Neural Network to recognize handwritten digits and characters of English Alphabet. The project uses ...

ocr using crnn and ctc loss function

OCR using CRNN (CNN - Deep Bidirectional LSTM) and CTC loss - TienNHM/CRNN-OCR.